Thursday, August 26, 2010

Personally, Personality.

Today, I was bored at work (as usual), and came across the Jung and Briggs Myers personality test.  I decided what the heck.  I took it roughly 2.5 years ago and was curious what my results would be again.  Here are my findings:

Jung Test Results:
Extroverted (E) 75.76% Introverted (I) 24.24%

Intuitive (N) 60.53% Sensing (S) 39.47%

Thinking (T) 57.5% Feeling (F) 42.5%

Judging (J) 52.63% Perceiving (P) 47.37%

Your type is: ENTJ

ENTJ - "Field Marshall". The basic driving force and need is to lead. Tend to seek a position of responsibility and enjoys being an executive. 1.8% of total population.


ENTJ Career Matches.  ENTJs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Chief/Intellectual personality:

Business Administrator
Corporate Executive Officer
Computer Consultant
Mortgage Banker
Systems Analyst

^ Good thing I'm going to major in General Management and go on to law school.  Great plan, right?

Famous ENTJ's:
Eleanor Roosevelt
Bill Gates
Jim Carrey
Franklin D. Roosefelt
Whoopi Goldberg
Benny Goodman
Dave Letterman
Jay Leno
Richard Nixon
Napoleon Bonaparte
Hillary Clinton (ewww)

Best love matches: INTP or ISTP
^ Really, not to sure about that. : /  I guess we shall see...

Hope this was entertaining for you as it was for me. :]
Keep on being you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Post Much?

So, my epic plan to post every day miserably failed.  I haven't posted since Friday, I think?  This weekend was a rough one, but I made it through.  Family issues really took its toll on me, but everything is fixed. :]  Those who matter are in my life.  For now, I think I'm just going to get in the habit of trying to write THEN worry about writing everyday for a year. : P 

Today's post is specifically about the things I've learned  this past 4 days:
1. Family is THE most important thing in life.  I've known this, but sometimes, I take them for granted.  I don't want to do that anymore.  That is just my revelation over the obvious for me.
2. Don't be with people that don't respect you.  It's exhausting and unbelievable, that people treat others with such disrespect.  Why waste your time?
3.  Some promises are meant to be broken.  Nuff said!
4. The most important people are the ones that willing come to your side when you are in need!
5. Second families can sometimes be your best friends.
6.  I guess I'm not as ready for college as I thought.
7.  I'm nervous as hellllll for college.
8. I want to meet new people, but I've never been this nervous to do so in my life...EVER. shit.

Additional Bucket List info:
251. Experience a makeover.
        - This was on the list, but I decided it was silly, because I love to recreate my style frequently.  So, it was pretty much irrelevant, BUT Elana and I went to a Mary Kay "makeover session" for wedding prep... It turned out to be the most awkward and awful time ever.  Plus, we came out looking uglier than when we came (which was pretty bad considering we rolled outta bed with our hair in a mess, puffy eyes and all).  Sometimes the worst experiences, turn out to be the BEST experiences. <3
Livin' the Life!

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Bucket List

Another day, another purpose. Continueing yesterdays post, the true purpose of this blog is to write about my goals and keep in touch with others. What kind of goals you say? How will my goals aspire to my purpose? By creating adventures and life experiences, I will ultimately find my destiny. How am I going to do that? This my friends is my bucket list! :]

Yes, I finally made one. The difference is I made it as an accumulation of many bucket lists on the internet. The x-ed out lettering are ones I have already succeeded in doing in my life so far. The others are ones I plan to accomplish in my future. This blog will be about my life fulfilling my purpose through the epic bucket list. 250 Things. 1 Amazing life! I hope this will inspire you to reach beyond your grasps, because these sure will not be easy tasks to achieve before I die! Go out and be inspiring!

Bucket List:

1. Write the story of your life.

2. Build a snow cave.
     - 1st Grade: Epic class snow makers

3. Turn your mobile off for a week.

4. Run in a fancy dress for charity

5. Blow one month’s wages on shoes

6. Paint a self portrait

7. Learn to play at least one song on the guitar/ piano

8. Plant a tree

9. Go on a holiday with no luggage

10. Have a night at the opera

11. Learn a different language

12. Host a cocktail party

13. Meditate for 3 hours in one sitting

14. Spend a week at sea

15. Get re-married in Vegas

16. Skinny dip at midnight
       -Laura + Me + Florida = Adventures

17. Go on a canopy tour

18. Ride a horse down the beach

19. Read a book every night for a year

20. Create your own personal dish

21. Swim with an exotic animal: whale, shark, dolphin, sting ray, etc.

22. Sleep outdoors under the stars.
        - Summer Romance <3

23. Create an online alter-ego

24. Cook something you’ve grown

25. Catch a fish and eat it that day
       - Mom, Aunt Lisa, and Anthony (for his birthday) went fishing at the fish farm across the street.

26. Brew your own beer

27. Ride a giant rollercoaster
      - Cedar Point anyone?
28. Learn to surf – even if it’s just the baby waves

29. Learn to snowboard
       - The Edge Senior Ski Trip

30. Build a tree house

31. Take pole dancing lessons

32. Give a homeless person your lunch

33. View a house you can’t afford

34. Hire a house boat

35. Go trekking, carrying all your gear.

36. Build something that will outlast you.

37. Research your family tree

38. Go to a bedding store in your PJs

39. Cut your own hair
       - I cut my own bangs on a daily basis.

40. Get involved in a protest rally

41. Leave a love note on a windscreen

42. Build a giant sandcastle

43. Get your fortune told

44. Make a snowman
       - I live in Michigan.  What more do you need to know?
45. Make love on the beach

46. Send flower for no reason at all

47. Watch the sun set
      - Summer Romance. <3
48. Take the day off on your birthday

49. Make a heap of Autumn leaves
      - More Michigan Lovin'

50. Walk through knee deep mud

51. Have a night at the ballet

52. Take evening classes with a friend

53. Write a letter to your grandchildren

54. Read the top ten plays of Shakespeare

55. Smile at 100 strangers (average of 73 will smile back)

56. Do a first aid course

57. Keep a diary for a whole year

58. Google yourself

59. Live off the land for a week

60. Listen to your iPod straight through

61. Fast for 48 hours

62. Carve your name into a tree

63. Take a vow of silence for a day

64. Give blood
       - Western High School Blood Drive: May 2009

65. Write a letter to your favorite author

66. Run a half marathon

67. Contact your childhood sweetheart

68. Kiss a stranger

69. Wind up a security guard

70. Send a message in a bottle

71. Make a kite and fly it

72. Test drive a car you can’t afford

73. Attend at least one major sporting event

74. Watch the launch of the space shuttle

75. Be an extra in a film

76. Visit the Senate

77. Go to Oktoberfest in Munich

78. Be a mentor

79. Ride the Trans-Siberian express across Asia

80. Sit on a jury

81. Create a unique piece of clothing

82. Stay out all night dancing without having gone home once and go to work the next day

83. Shower in a waterfall

84. Write a song

85. See a lunar eclipse

86. Experience weightlessness

87. Raise a Great Dane puppy

88. Ask a stranger out on a date

89. Drive across America from coast to coast

90. Write your will

91. Ride down the Rio Grande

92. Spend a whole day reading a great novel --> I've technically done this, BUT I'm not counting Twilight :P

93. Learn to juggle

94. Find a job you love

95. Overcome your fear of failure

96. Raft through the Grand Canyon

97. Donate money- anonymously

98. Buy a house

99. Drive a convertible with the top down

100. Accept yourself

101. Attend one really huge rock concert

102. Go scuba diving

103. Kiss someone you’ve just met on a blind date
        - Benjamin Evan! <3

104. Lose more money than you can afford at roulette in Vegas

105. Let someone feed you peeled, seedless grapes

106. Make love on the kitchen floor

107. Create your own website.
        - Can anyone say Purpose?  : D

108. Visit the Holy Land

109. Make yourself spend a half-day at a concentration camp and swear to never to forget it

110. Run to the top of the Statue of Liberty

111. Walk up the Eiffel Tower
        - Grandville Europe Trip! July 2008!

112. Create your Family Tree

113. Ski/ snowboard a double black diamond run

114. Learn to bartend

115. Buy everyone in a pub a drink

116. Climb a mountain

117. Go inside the Great Pyramid

118. Take a candlelit bath with someone

119. Do a striptease

120. Bungee jump

121. Watch a lightning storm at sea

122. See the Northern Lights

123. Walk the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa

124. Touch an iceberg

125. Walk on every continent

126. Sleep under the stars

127. Watch a meteor shower
        - Summer Nights with Benjamin Evan! <3

128. Get drunk on champagne

129. Have a food fight

130. Bet on a winning horse at the track

131. Have a snowball fight
        - 5th Grade- Safety Patrol Epic Fight!

132. Photocopy your butt

133. Scream as loudly as possible

134. Enact a favorite fantasy

135. See a total eclipse

136. Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar

137. Hit a home run
         - Spring Softball- Sophomore year- 2008

138. Adopt an accent for an entire day

139. Visit the birthplace of your ancestors

140. Visit all 50 states

141. Take care of a drunk person

142. Dance with a stranger in a foreign country

143. Watch wild whales

144. Steal a sign

145. Backpack in Europe

146. Go rock climbing

147. Midnight walk on the beach

148. Go sky diving

149. Visit Greece

150. Visit Rome

151. Visit Ireland.

152. Go to a restaurant and sit at a stranger’s table and have a meal with them.

153. Visit Japan

154. Milk a cow
        - I was like 5.

155. Sing karaoke in front of a crowd

156. Kiss in the rain
        - April 27th (or maybe 28th?), 2009. Benjamin Evan <3

157. Go to a drive-in movie.
        - Summer Nights. Benjamin Evan <3

158. Visit the Great Wall of China

159. Start a business

160. Take a martial arts class

161. Get married

162. Crash a party

163. Ride in a gondola in Venice
        - Grandville Europe Trip! July 2008!

164. Get a tattoo

165. Preform on a stage

166. Go to Las Vegas

167. Go to Thailand

168. Raise children – have a boy

169. Create and name your own constellation of stars

170. Find out something significant about your ancestors

171. Walk the Golden Gate Bridge

172. Fly an airplane

173. Pet a stingray
        - Aquarium.  Young summer days.

174. Broken someone’s heart
       - Summer 2010.

175. Help an animal give birth

176. Break a bone

177. Go on an African photo safari

178. Ride a motorcycle

179. Fire a gun
        - Horse Camp Activities. Young Summer Days.

180. Ride a horse
       - Horse Camp.  Young Summer Days.

181. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon --> Only half-way.  REDO!

182. Visit more foreign countries than U.S. states

183. Take a canoe trip more than 2 days long

184. Eat sushi
        - JUST accomplished with Brinn Cochrane! :] On August 18, 2010.  Old China Country Buffet!

185. Parasail
        - Grandville Europe Trip! July 2008! In France!

186. Select the one author who you feel you missed out in school, and read

187. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware
        - New York Missions Trip 2009

188. Dye your hair
       - Monthly.

189. Be arrested

190. Take a part in a triathlon

191. Try a new sport
        - Snowboarding- Winter 2010

192. Learn a new form of dance

193. Live in a different country for at least 3 months

194. Learn to sew and knit

195. Go on a meditation retreat

196. Have an out of body experience

197. Get closure on all your hurt, grievances, and unhappiness of the past

198. Organize a public picnic

199. Fly first class

200. Visit a volcano

201. Ride in a helicopter

202. Go on a romantic getaway

203. See the Mona Lisa in Lovre, Paris
        - Grandville Europe Trip! July 2008!

204. Go to a costume party

205. Crowd Surf

206. Attend Running of the Bull

207. Go windsurfing

208. Go Ultra Gliding

209. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans

210. Walk on fire

211. Be at Times Square on New Years Eve

212. Solve a Rubik's Cube.

213. Learn to sail

214. Get an MBA

215. Sell an original design to a stranger

216. Go to the Kentucky Derby

217. Participate in La Tomatina (a giant street food fight near Valencia, Spain)

218. Throw out the first pitch at a Major League baseball game.

219. Learn how to ice skate 
        - Ann Marie Sinkovitz's house arena! :]  She taught me how to ice skate.

220. Go snorkeling

221. Go white water rafting
       - Girl Scout Summer Trips. Middle school.

222. Jump from a cliff into deep water
        - Girl Scout Summer Trips. Middle school.  I did this with my mom! :]  There's picures to prove it!

223. Go to the Amazon

224. Attend the Day of the Dead in Mexico

225. The National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC

226. Go to Universal Studios in Hollywood, CA

227. Visit Disney World
        Ages: 3, 7, and 16.

228. Learn to play chess.

229. Make something completely by hand from wood

230. Take up pottery- make a bowl or a sculpture

231. Make a list of 100 books you want to ready, then read them

232. Watch Top 100 Films of All- Time

233. Go to law school

234. Pass the bar exam

235. Get an MBA

236. Build a Habitat for Humanities home

237. Join a big brother, big sisters program

238. Mush a dog sled

239. Watch turtles hatch and run for the ocean

240. Get Baptized
        - Middle School

241. Spend a week on a silent retreat

242. See a play on Broadway
        - March 2008- Mary Poppins

243. Go to a Super Bowl Game

244. Go to a session of the US Supreme Court

245. Pet a giraffe
        - Summer 2009- Binder Park Zoo with Amy, Mom, Doug, and Ben. I, also, fed the giraffe.

246. Witness a miracle

247. Create a new product

248. Go wine tasting in California

249. Attend a fashion show in Milan

250. Create an organization I am passionate about to help others

Resources I Used to Generate This List:

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Purpose- We are all looking for it.  Everyone is searching, but what do we find.  What is our TRUE purpose?  People have been passionately seeking out the anwser to this question for years, decades, upon centuries.  They have based popular books and even tv shows on this very question such as The Purpose Driven Life by Warren Rick.  Having a purpose is what gives human an essence of exsistence, but how do you choose?  Which life will you pick out for yourself?  All lines up in a row are identities of people around the world.  What will you decide? Occupations, jobs, happiness, and life in general are all part of the makeup that ties together our purpose to our destiny.  To achieve the impossible treasure of a purpose, we must have a set state of mind, a path to follow, and goals to guide us.  So, with no further ado, the PURPOSE of this blog (my first I may add!) is to guide with my own search of a purpose driven life (thanks Warren Rick!).  Here is where I will keep you updated on my goals and how my purpose is coming or otherwise known as life! :]  Talk to you soon.