Thursday, August 19, 2010


Purpose- We are all looking for it.  Everyone is searching, but what do we find.  What is our TRUE purpose?  People have been passionately seeking out the anwser to this question for years, decades, upon centuries.  They have based popular books and even tv shows on this very question such as The Purpose Driven Life by Warren Rick.  Having a purpose is what gives human an essence of exsistence, but how do you choose?  Which life will you pick out for yourself?  All lines up in a row are identities of people around the world.  What will you decide? Occupations, jobs, happiness, and life in general are all part of the makeup that ties together our purpose to our destiny.  To achieve the impossible treasure of a purpose, we must have a set state of mind, a path to follow, and goals to guide us.  So, with no further ado, the PURPOSE of this blog (my first I may add!) is to guide with my own search of a purpose driven life (thanks Warren Rick!).  Here is where I will keep you updated on my goals and how my purpose is coming or otherwise known as life! :]  Talk to you soon.

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