About Me!

I'm Lauren Ashley. There's a few things you should know: I love being spontaneous. I can come across as loud, but I'm quiet once you get to know me. I'm outgoing, but I like a good night in with my friends too. Movies are my thing. I'm the hit movie critic. Sceptic doesn't really cover my angles. Music is amazing, but then again I haven't really met anyone who doesn't think so. My mom's my best friend. But I have a few close friends my own age too. Keeping up with the Jones was never really my style. I prefer to BE the Jones. Doing my own thing has never bothered me. I like my independence. I don't necessarily like people, but MY people I do. I'm stubborn and driven. I hate winter. I love sports, playing and watching. I love learning. I hate people that say they hate reading. Competition is my thing. I don't lose. God is the reason I am alive and well. That's it for now. Have questions? Ask!